Vets Bringing It Home
Vets Bringing It Home
Oswego, IL
Join us for a fundraiser benefiting the Veteran's Serentity Park. Food, Music, Raffles and more. Door Prizes, Silent Auction, Commemorative Brick SalesThe Sting Rays will be performing the greatest 50's, 60's, 70's Rock & Roll ever written. They will p lay from 8 - 10 pmTickets are $25 each; Spon…
Saturday, August 10 2019
7:00 PM
10:00 PM
Building The Foundation: A Salute to Veterans
Building The Foundation: A Salute to Veterans
Oswego, IL
A Fundraiser Event Benefitting the Veteran's Serenity Park Proudly Featuring: The String Rays October 20th, 7 - 11 pm Food, Music, Raffles & Silent Auction
Saturday, October 20 2018
7:00 PM
11:00 PM